Close-up of the unique color scheme of Thorvaldsens Museum
Photo: The Mr. Staalsø team

In the center of Copenhagen you will find the first building build to host an exhibition Denmark, Thorvaldsens Museum opened in 1848 and was design by architect Mr. Michael Gottlieb Bindesbøll the stunning yellow build inspired by the antic in Rome and Greece to host and honour the works of sculptor Mr. Bertel Thorvaldsen. The museum have a full collections of the artist work in plaster and marble, studies to his work, his private collection of antic art and his library. You will never be finish visiting this house not because of the size, but when you you think you are done with viewing the collection you will start looking at the floors the ceilings and the amazing color schemes and if you visit on different times of the day, different seasons of the year or just different weather conditions you will realise the influens of the lighting playing with all the elements of this amazing place.

Original model in plaster of Polish statesman and general Józef Poniatowski at Thorvaldsens Museum
Photo: The Mr. Staalsø team
Ganymede with Jupiter’s eagle in marble at Thorvaldsens Museum
Photo: The Mr. Staalsø team
Original model in plaster of Herkules at Thorvaldsens Museum
Photo: The Mr. Staalsø team
The first floor gallery at the Thorvaldsens Museum
Photo: The Mr. Staalsø team
Section of the first floor gallery flooring at Thorvaldsens Museum
Photo: The Mr. Staalsø team