Fireworks over Copenhagen Photo:
Fireworks over Copenhagen

I a couple of hours most Danes will tune in to the Danish Queen and hear what she has to say on the Kingdom of Denmark it is a standing tradition in must households and what starts the evening and party for many.

So I thought it is time to give a New Years posts of my own looking back on 2014 and give a few points into the coming year. I started in late February inspired by two amazing men Mr. Bruun Famme and Mr. Graae that on several occasions have asked why I didn’t write. In what I do – I am often caught in being either the to fashion forward and brand/branding caring Director or the to commercial member of the editors asking to do what has been seen before. So this is my space to tell what I see and feel, what I know what will come or might not. It appears that it is of interest to some as the readers has grown steadily and that has committed to go on – I make and effort to be quite reliable with my posts even-do the Friday Music is not the longest posts but very liked. So be prepared for more Fashion, Culture and Lifestyle and I need to introduce you to some more fantastic persons from my circle of amazing and inspiring people from my everyday.

This day is special in many ways it is a day to be joyful and excited and my god the party to night for many has to be the clue of the year. But it is also a day to reflect and be thoughtful and may be served better with a quite dinner. It is time to look back and let go and prepare for what is coming, you are only given what you can handle even-do you might need some help on occasion.

I have to make some New Years Resolutions of my own and if I share them with you – they will be quite hard to take back. Some time ago someone said to me “Tell me what you do, I don’t know that you are doing you never tell and you never brag” my reply was I do my job to and try to do better everyday, I don’t have anything to brag about. I have gotten a little better keeping my surrounding update on what I do, but I will be even better in 2015 and find a way without changing my personalty and stay humble and grateful for what comes my way.

My greats advantage are my ability to create relations and sense of what is coming. I will practice not loosing my self in relations and remember my own needs. My intuition has played me before, sensing events or trends far to early – I will practice and try to finetune it to be more accurate.

I hope that 2015 will be filled with challenge, love, great moments and silent time to bring everything together.

Happy New Year.