Tobias Møhl working Photo: Møhl & Drivsholm Glas
Tobias Møhl working
Photo: Møhl & Drivsholm Glas

On a rainy Sunday afternoon it is always great to look out on the wet streets of Christianshavn and in my windowsill is for the moment a scented candle Eclectic by Tom Dixon with the name London with the scent of the City in a copper vessel and a Heron in biscuit from Royal Copehagen sadly they don’t make these fantastic figurines anymore, next this one of my favorite objects of glass art a sculpture/vase by Tobias Møhl.

Mr. Møhl and his partner Trine Drivsholm have a great workshop and store in the harbor of Ebeltoft not far from Glasmuseet. You can see them work and admire their great techniques and different idiom and color scheme. Even do their are different I find that they have the same aesthetics.

Black Net Photo: Møhl & Drivsholm Glas
Black Net
Photo: Møhl & Drivsholm Glas

I hope that glass will come back in home decoration along side all the great ceramics we are seeing for the moment.